Forza 4 Preview
A snippit video of Forza 4 has been released, teasing us to prepare for Forza 4. As I thought, is thought it was a fake. Then I watched it until the end. Official Xbox licensing, damn it's real I then thought. And damn it looks good. It seems to have been made for Kinect, as I guess that when modifying cars, the hand will more than likely be used to select options. But then I realised it was pieced together by some enthusiasts, leaving me with just the information of knowing that Forza 4 is being announced. It's from TopGear's website, and they seem to have done a pretty good job. It has been said to be officially released late 2011, leaving us to enjoy whatever else Turn 10 throws at us, until Forza 4 is released. Will it be worth the wait? We'll just have to wait and see, and no review will from me will not be coming since, I don't have Kinect, and I never will, and Forza is based on Kinect.
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